Walking the P.A.T.H of Christ
Walking the P.A.T.H of Christ starts with the prayer of salvation to proclaiming Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then you are on a journey to a New Life in Christ in which  you will develop a relationship with God the Father including a foundation in faith. The journey  ahead is a lifelong one that will open many doors to a lifestyle based on the principles of the Word Of God (Holy Bible).
Walking the P.A.T.H with Us
The New Life ACOJ Family welcomes you to walk the P.A.T.H with us by joining our church and a ministry group by becoming a member, or connect with us weekly, to learn and grow. If you would like to learn more about the P.A.T.H and becoming a member within our ministry please click the link below.
Who We Are?
We are the New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc.
Blessed and Highly Favored. Our church mission is to create an atmosphere that is conducive to New Life. We welcome all that will come to be a part of our church impact services.
The New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc. is a church that was built on the foundation of the Apostle and Prophets with Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Cornerstone according to (1 Peter 2:6-8). The New Life Apostolic Church is also a church of love as it is written with love and kindness have, I drawn thee (Jeremiah 31:3 KJV). The New Life Apostolic Church is an Apostolic, Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance ministry where the spirit of God is moving.
Here at New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc., we are committed to making a positive impact on everyone we encounter.
We invite you to please take a moment to look around at some of our ministry opportunities. We also hope you will take some time to enjoy one of our LIVE or pre-recorded services
Once again, we welcome you, one and all in the Name of our Lord!
Our Ministries
We have ministries that serves the entire family. From Covenant Ministries for sister and brotherhood as well as Youth Ministries to connect with other Christians with similar backgrounds to support one another.Â
Some of our ministries are available on in our e-ministry platform.Â
Auxiliaries In Action Ministry
These ministries are the ones that make all we do within the Kingdom of God and our communities possible. Individuals sow their time and talents into ministries as servantship that impact all who connect with New Life ACOJ.
Learn more about our many different roles and opportunities within our AIA Ministries.Â
Your Partnership Makes Community Work Possible
Becoming a partner at New Life ACOJ, Inc. is more than a formality.
The work we do within our communities are made possible by the donations and partnerships from you.
Whether you’ve attended for a long time, or you’re new to our church, this class will help you decide if you’re ready to commit to be an active part of New Life. In our four sessions, we will cover:
- What is A New Life Partner?
- What is New the Life’s Story?
- What is the New Life Belief Standard of Faith?
- What is New Life All About?
At the end of this four-week course, you will have the opportunity to decide your next step on the P.A.T.H-way to Partnership.
This course will run for four weeks on Mondays from 6:30pm-8pm online and in person. P.A.T.H-way to Partnership is offered periodically throughout the year. Sign up for a session today!
Pay Your Tithes Online
Pay Your Tithes & Offerings Online! Click the Give Online button below!
As a congregation, we believe that the tithe is holy and sacred and belongs to God. God provided the tithe for the upkeep and maintenance of the church and those who minister to the congregation. We encourage all who worship at New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc. to be obedient to God by bringing the first fruits of their increase, that is, the first 10% of their gross income, into the church. (Members of New Life Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc. are required to bring their full tithe into the church as a condition of their continued membership.) Donations to the different ministries of New Life ACOJ, Inc. or to outside ministries are additional offerings and not part of the tithe.
We thank you for being obedient to God by supporting your church with your tithes and for your generous offerings above and beyond your tithes in support of the many ministries of New Life ACOJ, Inc., which bless and support your community.
Besides placing your cash or check into the offering plate on Sunday, we offer convenient online giving through the website. Click on the link to give:Â